Oct. 22, 2021 Friday Taize Prayer
[Taize Group 2021-10-19]
On Oct. 22, 2021 at 7:30pm, we are going to hold Taize Prayers in our church. Welcome you to attend. (Read More)
The Pilgrimage trip of May 29, 2021 was canceled
[Activity Group 2021-05-18]
Due to the severe epidemic, the Bishops’ Conference issued an official document temporarily banning pilgrimage activities. Therefore, the pilgrimage of our 5/29 pilgrimage trip was canceled. ... (Read More)
May 28 Taize Prayer Activity is to be cancelled
[泰澤祈禱團隊 2021-05-18]
May 28, 2021 Friday Taize Prayer Activity to be held orginally in Sacrocostato Convent is cancelled due to the severe epidemic. (Read More)
Sunday Mass of May 16 is to suspend
[Fr. Kirimi 2021-05-15]
Due to the severe epidemic, our Sunday Mass of 5/16 is to suspend. We will follow the instructions of the diocese to tell you if there is a Sunday Mass next week. (Read More)

Feb. 25, 2021 Thursday Taize Prayer
[Taize Group 2021-02-14]
Welcome to participate Taize Prayer on Feb. 25(Thu), 2021, 7:30pm in the chapel of Suore Missionarie del Sacro Costato. (Read More)

2020.10.23 (Friday) 7:30 pm ~8:30 pm Taize Prayer
[Taize Group 2020-10-19]
Please see attachment (Read More)